Carma Goes on Manuel Villacorta’s Jump Start Reboot from Whole Body Reboot
“If you eat too quickly, your body will push you to keep eating, and you can overeat. When people eat too fast, they never feel satisfied. Take your time when eating and savor the flavors of your nourishing food.”
~ Manuel Villacorta
Today I present day four of a 5-day detox from Manuel Villacorta’s book Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Super Foods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss. The reboot is organized by the colors of the rainbow. Monday was Red, Tuesday was Orange, Wednesday was Yellow, and today is Green.
The superfood in today’s smoothie is avocado. According to WebMD, avocados offer nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving. In addition, they are low in surgar and contain fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer. In fact, “In one study, people who added a fresh avocado half to their lunch were less interested in eating during the next three hours.”
Although avocados are high in fat, it is a healthy fat, which can help lower bad cholesterol, as long as you consume them in moderation.
Note, also according to WebMD, if you have an allergy latex, you should talk to your doctor before adding avocado to your diet. “People with a serious allergy to latex may also experience symptoms after eating avocado.”
Avocados are native to Mexico and Central America and, although they have a nutty flavor are actually botanically berries.
If you would like to try this program for yourself, you can grab a copy of Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Super Foods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss at
Missed the first three videos? Check them out here:
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Take Charge of Your Health!
Changing your eating habits can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be if you take a little time to think it out and create a plan.
This Healthy Eating Worksheet will walk you through the process of creating a healthy eating plan. All you need to do is print it out, set aside some time to complete it, and then fill it out. Then you can create your plan, knowing that you have addressed potential obstacles and came up with some creative ways to handle them.