Carma Goes on Manuel Villacorta’s Jump Start Reboot from Whole Body Reboot
“Mindfully selecting, preparing and eating whole foods should be as cherished as the air we breathe.”
~ Manuel Villacorta
For 20 years, Manuel Villacorta has been helping people improve their life with Peruvian power foods. Now, because of demand increases, these beneficial superfoods are becoming easier to find in supermarkets. This is why he has decided to come out with his new book, Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Super Foods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss (HCI Books).
In this five-part video series, I’ll be going through the Jump Start Reboot, which is described in the beginning of the book. The reboot is organized by the colors of the rainbow. Today is Red.
If you would like to try the program for yourself, here are some links to help you get started.
The book: Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Super Foods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss
Camu camu powder is available from a variety of sources. Here are a few of them:
Related Resources
- Eat like a Peruvian: An Interview with Manuel Villacorta
- Triple-Berry Breakfast Smoothie
- Mediterranean Peruvian Fusion Scramble
- You Really Are What You Eat
[one_third] [/one_third]
Take Charge of Your Health!
Changing your eating habits can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be if you take a little time to think it out and create a plan.
This Healthy Eating Worksheet will walk you through the process of creating a healthy eating plan. All you need to do is print it out, set aside some time to complete it, and then fill it out. Then you can create your plan, knowing that you have addressed potential obstacles and came up with some creative ways to handle them.