Carma has been baking and cooking most of her life. Her maternal grandmother was a source of much inspiration as she was growing up — she was a sublime cook. And now that her grandmother’s gone, she feels like when she’s in the kitchen, she’s channeling her grandmother’s energy.
Yes, sometimes she’s something of a lazy cook — she doesn’t like to put too much work into making a spectacular meal. But then, sometimes she’s not lazy at all. For example, she once made Naan from scratch (but never again). Her arms ached for days! That said, Carma will put the extra work into making a Büche de Noel because it is so worth it.
Carma has a passion for food that tastes good. She just can’t stomach a mediocre cookie, when a darn good one is so easy to make. Life is just too short for mediocre food. [/two_third][one_third_last] [/one_third_last]