I love sampling new foods and kitchen gadgets, as well as checking out new cookbooks and food-related books. If you’d like me to review your product or books, here are some guidelines to follow:
- Your book or product must be related to kitchen creativity or food in some way. I do taste tests of foods, try out new kitchen gadgets, review cookbooks and other food-related books. Here are links to past reviews:
- Send me a pitch first — don’t just send the book or product. That way I can let you know if I’m interested and if I have the time to review it. Don’t waste your money and send something unsolicited.
- For food items, keep in mind that I have some food restrictions. I can’t eat spicy foods, so don’t send them. I don’t like watermelon and cucumber — and especially their smell.
- In the Fall, I do round-up posts of pumpkin and pumpkin spice products, so definitely send those!
My Rules of Thumb
I’m here to uplift. If I can’t say something nice about your product, even if I don’t particularly like it, I won’t post a review.
If your book or product is available on Amazon, I will use my Amazon Associate link to it.
I love products that support home cooks in unleashing their kitchen creativity, honing their skills, and becoming more healthful. So if you’re on point with that missions, let’s work together! Send your pitches to editor[at]carmascookery[dot]com.