Lasten® Silicone Baking Mat with Measurements. It promised to not only be a guide to my pie crust making but also be a non-stick surface for my other types of baking.
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, and my plan to make three different types of pie for the menu, I was immediately intrigued by the idea of theThe main reason this product appealed to me, however, was the concentric, measured circles and measurements along the side. How many times have I struggled to know how much to roll out a dough? Using a ruler never quite worked that well. This product looked like the perfect solution. And from what I can see, it is!
What Worked for Me About the Lasten® Silicone Baking Mat
There are two mats in the package. One small one that measures a little more than 10 inches square. And a larger rectangular one that measures a little over 21 by 13 inches. These are perfect sizes for most baking projects. I think the non-stick surface will be good when kneading bread dough, as well.
When I received the mat, it was folded up in a plastic bag inside a box from Amazon. Unfolding it, I found that each of them to mats was packaged inside addition plastic bags of their own. When I tried to remove one, it stuck to the bag, something I remember from the first silicone baking mats I’ve purchased.
The thin, sticky surface of the back promised to keep the mat in place as you kneed and roll out your doughs. So much better than lining your surface with flour or wax paper!
What Didn’t Work for Me About the Lasten® Silicone Baking Mat
The larger sized mat, although perfect for pie crust up to 12 inches in diameter, it a bit big and ungainly for actual baking.
If you’ve been looking for a durable surface on which to work for your baking projects — if you’re tired of using floured wooden cutting boards or Formica counter tops, this is an excellent option! And at only $14.99, it is a good deal, as well. The only caution is to keep the plastic bags for storage, or you might find the mat sticking to everything in your cupboard!
I give this mat four out of five stars because although it was pretty much what I was looking for, I would have liked to have the larget mat be just a tad smaller so I could actually use it to line my pans.
[one_fifth] [/one_fifth][one_fifth]
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NOTE: Reviews are based on usefulness, portability, durability, value, and “cool factor.” Some review products are sent to me free of charge or at a discount and with no incentive to offer a favorable review. I offer my unbiased opinions, positive and negative. If you have any questions or comments concerning my reviews, or would like to suggest a product for review, please email me at