Pies are an integral part of English-speaking life. Here in the U.S., you can get your piece of the pie and even have your finger in every pie. If something is quintessentially American, it is as American as apple pie. Your sweetie is a cutie pie. When you make a mistake, you end up eating humble pie. Big dreams are like pie in the sky and simple tasks are as easy as pie.
Mention the word pie and a dozen or more images can fill your brain. There are several restaurants that focus on pies as their signature offering.
In other words, life is full of pie. And a reflection of this is the wide selection of memoirs that use pie as a metaphor or a central focus. Here is a listing of seven pie-related memoirs that you might enjoy reading.
[one_half] A Little Slice of Heaven: A Celebration of Faith, Family, Perseverance, and Pie
by Angela Woodruff Scott and Donald A. Garlock Jr.
Several generations of the Woodruff family have created Woodruff’s Café and Pie Shop, which Southern Living magazine said makes the best apple pie ever. This memoir shares the family’s story of overcoming challenges and finding success in making pies. [/one_half]
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[one_half] Squirrel Pie (and other stories): Adventures in Food Across the Globe
by Elisabeth Luard
Elisabeth Luard, an award-winning writer, and journalist, shares knowledge gained from a lifetime’s worth of experience foraging in the wild. Illustrated with her own black-and-white line drawings and including recipes (including Squirrel Pie), this memoir is a blend of anecdotes and practical advice. [/one_half]
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[one_half] Maman’s Homesick Pie: A Persian Heart in an American Kitchen
by Donia Bijan
This is a story of culture and cuisine. Donia Bijan weaves a story that crosses the globe from Iran to California and shares her culinary journey from Paris to San Francisco. Along the way, you’ll find recipes from her childhood, her French training, and her cooking career. From the memoir’s description, “An exhilarating, heartfelt memoir, Maman’s Homesick Pie is also a reminder of the women who encourage us to shine.” [/one_half]
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[one_half] American Pie: Slices of Life (and Pie) from America’s Back Roads
by Pascale Le Draoulec
This memoir seeks to answer the question, “In today’s fast-paced, take-out-food world, is there a still a place for pie?” The author traveled across the United States to find out. She interviewed pie makers — both famous and infamous — across the country, gleaning from them their stories and recipes. Along the way, she discovers that not only does the mention of homemade pie melt the hardest of hearts, but the quest for pie can have unexpected results. [/one_half]
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[one_half] Pieography: Where Pie Meets Biography-42 Fabulous Recipes Inspired by 39 Extraordinary Women
by Jo Packham
From the memoir’s description: “What kind of pie conveys the experience of starting a new job, getting married, becoming a mom? Over 30 of the country’s top foodies are here to tell you. Each one has devised a pie recipe that captures the essence of her life. Stir in beautiful photography, short essays, and brief bios, and voilá, you’ve got more than a cookbook: you’ve got Pieography.” [/one_half]
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[one_half] Whoopie Pies and Family Ties
by Whoopie Pie Pam Jarrell
Whoopie Pie Pam shares her journey of self-discovery through the lens of the Whoopie Pie.”From the moment Pam laid eyes upon her first Whoopie Pie she has been infatuated with them. In 2001, while shopping in one of her favorite stores – Walnut Creek Cheese, located in Holmes County, Ohio – she purchased her very first package of Chocolate Whoopie Pies. From the first bite, a food obsession began,” claims the book’s description. [/one_half]
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[one_half] American Pies – Baking with Dave The Pie Guy
by David Niall Wilson
David is on a mission to restore pies to their former glory … at least for his family. This book is the result and includes pie history, pie memories and a selection of pie recipes. This book not only provides a humorous memoir, but also a few tips and tricks for baking the perfect fresh-fruit pie. [/one_half]
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Create Your Own Unique Pie!
Does pie making daunt you? Are you wary of deviating from any pie-recipe you find, for fear that you’ll ruin the flavor of the resulting pie?
It doesn’t have to be that way!
Pie-Palooza 2017 is brought to you by Your Perfect Pie, a cookbook that breaks down pies into easily made component parts so you can unleash your pie-making creativity. Available on Amazon in both print and Kindle formats. Grab your copy today and start creating your perfect pie!
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