Guest Writer: Mike Selvon
Cooking is something that ties people together around the world. It is something we are familiar with. Not everyone has to cook for themselves but they have seen it done.
It is universal and connects us in a way that goes beyond age, gender, creed, or race. Traditions are made through the use of food. Celebrations call for special dishes especially prepared for that occasion. A birthday cake, a stuffed turkey or even a ham can all be foods that bring people together.
It does not have to be complicated. There are free recipes everywhere from the grocery store to the internet. Most dishes are not hard to make nor do they require ingredients not found in most grocery stores.
It all begins with a few basic items that every kitchen should have. Cooking utensils make the top of the list. There is no cooking performed without some basic tools.
While it might be nice to have a professional chef’s kitchen at your disposal, it is not necessary. There are a few items that are a must in any kitchen, such as a mixing bowl or a set of pots and pans but you do not have to pay a ransom at the kitchen store in order to furnish your culinary workspace.
The best rule of thumb is to have items that are dual purpose. The only piece of equipment that should only have one use is the fire extinguisher. Space is normally limited so try to find cooking utensils that can be multipurpose.
Once you have assembled all of the basic kitchen items you will need, it is time to find recipes that you want to try. Remember to start small and work up from there. It does not have to be complicated.
Beginning chefs often make that mistake. They find an elaborate recipe and then become discouraged when it does not turn out the way it should. Just remember to take it slow, take it simple and try to enjoy yourself.
It should be about doing something pleasurable. It is more than just charring food to provide sustenance. It is a common ground for all people. Everyone must eat. The saying “You are what you eat” is very true.
The food we put into our bodies is an extension of our personalities and our culture. It is what brings us together in good times and in bad. It may seem daunting but in reality is incredibly easy and can open up a world of possibilities.
Mike Selvon portal offers free cooking information. Find out more about love and cooking, and leave a comment at the healthy cooking blog.