Tim Carrigan wrote yesterday, in the South Bend Tribune, words that warmed the cockles of my heart (whatever they are), and I thought I’d share them with you.
“The nice thing about having fresh pumpkins is you know it won’t be long before it will be ready to be a pie, or some roasted pumpkin seeds. Pumpkins are versatile; besides the obvious pies and dessert items they can make, you also can make some fantastic soups and bisques.”
Of course, I’d add to that some wonderful breads, muffins, cookies, curries, etc. All that will be showcased in the cookbook I’m working on, A Passion for Pumpkins.
Then, he went on to say, “So next time you see a pumpkin, think beyond what you can carve with it, and make something your family can eat.”
Mmmm. Like I said, a man after my own heart.
For the full article, go to www.southbendtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060911/Lives07/609110430/-1/LIVES/CAT=Lives07.